
Important Notice

Important Notice

The sole purpose of this website is to provide the public with information regarding the availability of competent, independent legal counsel. Nothing contained in this website is intended to create an attorney-client relationship nor should anything contained herein be considered legal advice. Nothing herein is intended to solicit legal work.

This website and its materials are provided for general reference only and should not be used as a replacement for complete and informed representation by a duly licensed lawyer. Shelley Cupp Schulte, P.C. does not guarantee that any materials provided on this site will be or have been updated. While certain of the materials have been gleaned from sources which Shelley Cupp Schulte, P.C. deems reliable, there are no assurances, and the firm does not warrant that any information provided herein is accurate or up to date.

Rule 7.1 (e) Disclosure: Rule 7.1 (e) of the Virginia Rules of Professional Conduct provides that “Any communication made pursuant to this Rule shall include the full name and office address of an attorney licensed to practice in Virginia who is responsible for its content.” That information is as follows:

Blackwell N. Shelley, Jr. (VSB#28142)
Shelley Cupp Schulte, P.C.
3 W. Cary Street
Richmond, VA 23220